Shaman’s End
“Second World Shaman”
The long goodby…
I started painting “shamans” in about 1974 and have painted over two thousand of them in the years since. I no longer find any enjoyment in the process or the product and have—after many months of difficult introspection—decided to no longer attend that well of anxiety and despair.
If you would like to commission a shaman painting from me, I’ll be pleased to discuss the possibility with you. But I will not be painting more unless I feel that I have something more to say that is worth saying through such work.
I had a long career built on this imagery. I will now be focusing on landscapes, most of which I still enjoy, and other things that might call to me from time to time.
I will now be following my muse rather than the market—wherever she takes me. It promises to be an interesting journey.